Friday, December 30, 2005

I'm Married...(later maybe?)

I'm married today! (Ups! I'm joking.... ;P)
My best friend, Roma, was married today with her boyfriend, Rully.
They finally united in holy marriage now...

Well, I kinda felt touched when they said the promises in front of the altar, and of course before GOD. It made me think that how time had changed us and well, now one of my best friends isn't single anymore. She's bound in a marriage now.
Besides me sat Ester and her boyfriend and also Tao and her boyfriend also. Well, I'm the only happy single there sat among my friends that already got boyfriends. And these weeks I heard so many news about many of my old friends in college already married or will get married next year, not to mention two of my cousins that already married this year and two again will follow the next year. It's seems like all the relatives eyes, especially my aunts, are directed toward me and my status for being single.
Well, who are they to force me to quickly find the right guy and marry him?
Whatever they will say and whatever things they will do to persuade me or my mom to 'press' me on marriage matters, I don't care! I just want to live my life to the full.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Natalan bo!


Pokoknye semua bahasa yang gue tau deh...
Gw cuma mau ngucapin semuanya dan kali aja orang yang mampir ke situs gw bakalan ngeliat dan ngerti artinya postingan gw kali ini.

Ok, sebelumnya gw minta maaf karena gw jarang mosting lagi akhir2 ini. Abisan terlalu banyak jadwal yang harus gw jalanin menjelang akhir tahun ini. Baik itu di Kefa en di Jakarta. Gw harap di tahun depan gw bisa lebih rajin posting di blog gw tercinta ini.
Ok deh, GOD bless u all!