Today as I sit down in the bus station waiting for a bus to pick me up to my office, I read my Bible. Hmm, it's been quite a long time since the last time I read this NIV Bible. Well, I just checked it and a verse pop out to my mind.
Mark 2:22
"No one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, he pours new wine into new wineskins."
In my heart, I knew that this simple truth : You can't put all the blessings and the abundance of GOD's kingdom in your unchanged and rusty heart. The 'wine' should be placed on new vessel, that is a renewed heart.
I can't understand the true meaning of GOD's kingdom if I keep my old sinful mind. I can't get more blessings if I keep my heart the same as if I never been repented. If I want more blessings (any kind of blessings), I should look, think and act the way GOD's want me to be.
I think we can call the wineskins into whiskey bottle just like this one. I think GOD doesn't mind if I call the modern wineskins as 'whiskey bottle'.
So, are you still and old dusty whiskey tin? Or a new one?
I prefer the new one like the pic above. Shining and practical. Hehehehehee.....
It's good think to realize about that truth. It's another thing to really do accordingly.
Kapan terakhir kali elo ngerasa sesek and ngga nyaman banget ketika ngebaca something new about christianity?
What is this lady talkin' about?
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If so, do it somewhere else please.
wah mantab nih hati kita diibaratkan botol whiskey ... berdoalah agar jangan sampe diisi oleh minuman yang salah :D apalagi roh yang memabukkan. keep on fighting.
you dont need to search for blessings. da King will grant it for whomsoever he desires. is int the way of a kingdom?
Well done!
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Great work!
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