Today a preacher from US came to my church and preached there. Some of you might knew about him, his name is John C. Maxwell. He preached a good sermon, about how to get miracles in Biblical ways. But what I wanna say now isn't the sermon that he preached. No, this is quite different.
What I wanna to say hit me when I passed the lounge where he rested for the next service after preaching. As I walk down the aisle, I noticed many of church ministers were gathered in front of thje lounge, some even managed to got into the lounge and talked to him.
Well, as a matter of fact, I kinda jealous about their privilege to joined John C. Maxwell and can talked to him directly (since he's one of my fave author and I had collected and read almost all of his books). And I begin speak in my heart, "GOD, I wish I can be one of those 'executive' church members that can interact with the preacher closely."
But the truth of GOD came into my mind and HE said, "My girl, there is no executive member in My kingdom, because everyone is special and I treat them the same. Only humans that make those differences. Don't look at human's social differences, because it will make you lose heart."
ZAP! That truth hit me like a sudden blow. I used to wish that I can get his (John C. Maxwell) signature on my Bible or a miracle happen then he gives me a ticket to his free seminar at Mulia Hotel that worth IDR 1.000.000,-
BUT that truth make me realize that it doesn't matter if I can't have his signature or attend the 1 million rupiahs-seminar. What really matter is that whether I have GOD signature on my heart, that's it. That's the truth I got today.
Well, if GOD signature can be read by everyone, probably it will say like this :
coz I am special, just like every believers in the world!! YEAH!!
aquamarine wote: "coz I am special, just like every believers in the world!! YEAH!!"
Well if everybody is special, then no one is. :P
Anyway, nice blog!~
Salam kenal..
Enjoying your site.
Great lesson from the Lord :-)
Nice blog girl.. yeps, as everyone is special, than no one is, though, for god you're a so fu*king special, hoho.. nicee one..
Hey...elo punya bakat nulis man...kewl
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