As my previous post regarding how to choose a man that worth fighting for to my fellow female friends. Here's the post I dedicated for men who are longing to find the women they long for to spend the rest of their lives together... May you find her, brother....
And may a true man of God find me as I'm struggling each day to be more perfect and have these qualities, especially quality no. 6 as I'm get used to be a leader and initiator in my job and among my friends :)
Here they are the qualities:
- Fears God and whose hope is in the Lord God. Her life is going to be a reflection of where her hope is. If a young lady's hope is in any place other than the Lord, the young who marries her is going to spend the rest of his life trying to help his wife catch a butterfly. It isn't going to happen.
- Honors her parents. There is so much baggage today being brought into marriages based upon dysfunctional relationships with Mom and Dad. And even though this impacts both the husband and the wife, it's been my experience that women tend to be impacted more negatively by this than young men. Women tend to be more nurturing and they are impacted deeply by hurting relationships. If she has a hard time honoring her parents, she will have a hard time honoring you. Find someone who has or is working to have a healthy relationship with her parents.
- Knows how to ask for forgiveness, admit she's wrong, grant forgiveness, and give grace when you fail her. This isn't just a one-way street. Both of you are going to need to do that.
- Wants to be a wife and a mother. There are some young ladies who want to be married, but don't really want to be a wife and a mother. They want to be married, but they want their career to be their number-one pursuit. I believe the scriptures teach that a wife's number-one pursuit should be ministering to her husband and family. That means if you choose to have children, your priorities and values have already been determined.
- Displays character in her modest dress. A young man's character is displayed in his choices around life—around the use of money and relationships. But a woman's character is displayed in how she handles the power of her femininity and sexuality. In other words—how modest is she? That's becoming a weird word in our culture, but I would challenge young men to keep their eyes out for young women whose character is displayed in not only on the inside, but the outside as well.
- Knows how to follow a man. That doesn't mean perfection, but it does mean that she understands that she's the vice president, not the president. Women are joint heirs of the grace of God, but someone has to make the final decision when you both disagree. When one person votes one way, and the other person votes another, I believe it's the responsibility of the husband to listen carefully and wisely consider the counsel of his wife. It's upon him and to the Lordship of Jesus Christ as being led in the power of the Holy Spirit to make that decision, and then it's upon the wife to be able to follow under the same influence. That's not an easy thing in this culture.
As you see, it's not all about look and appearance, but more to qualities of her inner being. Know how to make-up and dress modestly are important, but after all those beauties fading... all you want is to have a person that accept you and together (yes, I mean TOGETHER) be with you through good times (either it hobbies/ministries/anything that you both can enjoy together); or bad times (career changes, sickness, health failures, bankruptcy, etc).
I heard those from my male friends who almost got divorce or cheating on their wives by having affairs with other women who might not as pretty or gorgeous as their wives. Sometimes, their wives pretty faces and sexy bodies can't complete what they longing for, an union or togetherness that each individuals seek deeper in the souls...
But, if you're a man and woman of God, no matter happens in your life and how your current spouse react to you, you will stick to the marriage covenant and believe me, God's miracles work on the troubled marriages even only one person seek His face for help.
May God blesses every marriages out there....
Source :¬oc=1