Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Withered Soul

I don't know how I felt anymore these days...
Seems like a withered flowers that approaching its end in the autumn
Though it's summer and full of joy, there are things u can't change.
Things that only time can answer and all you can do it to wait upon it.
I am still waiting for it, because I can't move anywhere...
GOD help me because not only my spirit that begin to withers, but also my soul...

No light shine and the soul slowly withers....

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Long Road

The road seems will take forever...
I don't know what is the future like now
Could anyone tell me?
Because my dreams and visions slowly fade away

I cry in my solitude and despair,
Without noone see and hear me.
The road is quiet, noone there to walk with me
Not even a breeze blow or a tender rush of wind

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Justice vs Sight

A Faith that Sees Far More than This Time...

Could you tell me what is that?
Because I'm alone and blind,
Hurted and hopeless,
Help me...

Blessed are they that don't see and believe,
But isn't it more blessed they that see and believe?
Is the justice aren't synchronize with the sight?
Tell me, GOD

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Find my Way

"Can u show me the way to the tree?"
"What tree?"
"Tree of life"
"Well..., I can't"
"Because I heard that the road is curvy and perverse, it also scary"
"Really? All I know that the road is straight and narrow, and the light of GOD will always direct you"
"I can't see it though, I'm afraid if I get lost"
"Well, I will try to find it, though I might be lost, but I believe that I'll find the way"